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Keeping in contact with everyone is proving harder than we thought, so after seeing someone posting a blog I thought it was time I joined and updated everyone with what we have been up to!

Friday 29 April 2011

Day out Fishing at MANDURAH

Beautiful long weekend in Perth! Headed out on family boat. Managed to see a few Dolphins swimming so close to that boat!!!!!!!!

Boated past a few trying out these! Next time I will Def have a go!!!!
Wonder if you get sea sick in these... :)

Jesse tried out his new rod! Sadly he only caught my three fingers....

Thursday 21 April 2011

Happy Birthday Benjiee!!!!!

 Hip Hip Horraaaaaay!  Big 21 today (3) .......

Hard life as you can see!

Enjoyed a big plate of mash, left over lamb shanks and biccys :) Very spoilt Pooch

Yum Cha Perth Style!!!!!!

 SAGO PUDDING in coconut milk, our favorite dessert!

Hopefully we will see some of you over this way soon to try this great place!!!

Pappa Bear Arrives In Perth

 Collect Steveo Safe and well at airport Wednesday night! Benjiee Remembered just who he was :)

First Purchase of the week, Super A- MART!

Monday 18 April 2011

Where the Bloody Hell are You?

 Australia Day- Jan 26th 2011, Headed to Paige's Aunty Sue and Pete's in South Perth to have a dinner with everyone and watch the MASSIVE show of fireworks over the water!
There were flags everywhere, of not only Australians, but people from all over the world who have ended up here and proud to live in Australia.. We didn't fly a flag. Maybe Next year...

 Our second Pendulum Concert! was AMAZING to say the least! Can't way till they are back in Perth again!
 Headed out to INDI BAR,to watch the Kiwi Band SHIHAD play here in Perth!
 the bar was so small and packed with so many kiwis! Good times all round!
 Fremantle markets! These are on each week, Filled with yummy food stalls, fresh fruit and veg and everything else you can think of! There is small children running stalls. A good day guaranteed.
Opposite these markets is the old Fremantle Prison which stopped being used in 1991. It was a maximum security with a large history of hangings and escapes, you can go for guided tours through the prison, Day or night!! This is on the list of the things we are going to do!
Adventure world, Perth water theme Park! Mean day here.. Slides, pools and rides!

3- 8 Hastings street Scarborough

 We finally have a couch...... Free for all you couch surfers wanting to come stay
 small, but cosy! Benjiee rules the place, Im sure he believes we have brought the couch for just him
 biggest part of the house- the kitchen!

 Stevo's room, no spair bed yet so hope he likes the couch. Oh and the bike well our flatmate decided to go home to NZ at xmas and fall off a motorbike, break his leg and not return, leaving us the bills and all his crap! most of it we have binned or taken to salvation Army :)  Sorry Kris
 Jesse's pride and Joy. Women are not allowed out back in man area, I am not allowed to touch BBQ or step foot outside when they are cooking. Suits me fine!!!!!!!!

Trip Home to NZ March 2011

 Off to Auckland Cup races, typical auckland weather, hot in the morning, raining by lunch!
 Boo! My cat who was rescued only a few weeks old, He now thinks sleeping in cars and hitching rides with people is the best thing! Sadly he will be re homed when Mum comes to Perth. Can anyone love this special little boy? he was found at Papakura cemetery, at only a few weeks old he was being thrown into a head stone and kicked like a ball... hes lovely and smothering. Buts hes defiantly 'SPECIAL' <3 Boo
 We decided to do 'stop overs' in Sydney! Ahh it made the trip so much longer and tiring! we were very lucky for some reason both trips from Sydney no one sat beside us, So I was able to lie down and sleep :)
The night we flew to N.Z our favourite band was playing at a festival, we raced to the festival, watched Pendulum then had 30 min to get home and shower before the taxi arrived to take us to the airport! DEDICATION

All round a great trip back home to Pukekohe, was far to short though! one week went just to fast.
By the time I was over being Jet lagged we had to get back on the plane and fly back to perth.
Benjiee stayed at a pet sitters, in her home with her 2 small dogs. She called and emailed often letting us know how good and happy he was! Big relief! When we picked him up after our trip, It seemed as though he was a tad sulky to be back home with us! :) at least we have a great place for him to go next time we want to go away somewhere!!!

Was a bit sad knowing that I was leaving my house for more than likely the last time, as my parents have decided to pack up and move over to Perth! Had big kisses and cuddles with the family pets and packed my suitcase of all my important stuff. I now have no bedroom to come back too.. Next time we are back I'l need to stay on someones couch please :p

Jesse's Mine site Pictures

 set up for the Christmas at work!

Jesse works underground, driving trucks or helping with other jobs!
Jack of all trades I think the name is :)

Our Backyard

 Beautiful sunsets here at Scarborough, every night with all this warm weather! Jealous Much? :)

 Our new little house in Scarborough, down sized a lot and living in a complex with 8 houses down a driveway all connected, Sometimes it can be very fustrating living so close but It does feel a lot safer while I am here by myself :)
 Because our last house in Guildford was semi furnished, we moved here with no couch, this was our couch to start with, I dont think Benjiee minded to much :)
Had some bad luck, we had the car break down, grumpy neighbours and then our fridge broke... Bad happens in three right! So Jesse decided we needed to upgrade. ALOT.

Sculptures by the sea at cottesloe beach

these were all amazing, hand done and displayed along a popular beach. 
They were all judged and waiting for the winner to be announced in Local paper!