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Keeping in contact with everyone is proving harder than we thought, so after seeing someone posting a blog I thought it was time I joined and updated everyone with what we have been up to!

Monday 18 April 2011

Where the Bloody Hell are You?

 Australia Day- Jan 26th 2011, Headed to Paige's Aunty Sue and Pete's in South Perth to have a dinner with everyone and watch the MASSIVE show of fireworks over the water!
There were flags everywhere, of not only Australians, but people from all over the world who have ended up here and proud to live in Australia.. We didn't fly a flag. Maybe Next year...

 Our second Pendulum Concert! was AMAZING to say the least! Can't way till they are back in Perth again!
 Headed out to INDI BAR,to watch the Kiwi Band SHIHAD play here in Perth!
 the bar was so small and packed with so many kiwis! Good times all round!
 Fremantle markets! These are on each week, Filled with yummy food stalls, fresh fruit and veg and everything else you can think of! There is small children running stalls. A good day guaranteed.
Opposite these markets is the old Fremantle Prison which stopped being used in 1991. It was a maximum security with a large history of hangings and escapes, you can go for guided tours through the prison, Day or night!! This is on the list of the things we are going to do!
Adventure world, Perth water theme Park! Mean day here.. Slides, pools and rides!

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